Sunday 3 June 2018

The Economics & Benefits of visiting a Curl Specialist

There are benefits to taking your curls to see a curly hair specialist, both economically and to help you take control of your curls and learn to love them. We are the stylists who love your curly hair and want to help you love it too. The aim is not to criticise other stylists and what they do but to point out that there are those of us who specialise in working with curly hair every working day. Most of us live, breathe and are immersed in curls.
Yes, your outlay per haircut will be more than what you are used to paying and I see people writing in forums that they can’t justify paying $xxx to have a specialist attend their curls. But let’s put that into perspective. Now you might be having your curls cut every 6-8 weeks, this equates to around 6.5-8.6 times per year. After calculating an average price of 5 different hairdressers across Brisbane offering a similar service, here are the facts: The average price is $92.60 and includes a style cut, wash and blow dry and if you make a return appointment approximately every 6-8 weeks, the cost is between $601-$796 per year. 
When you visit a true curly hair stylist, you will need to visit less often per year – an average of 3 times, so every 4 months (it can even be longer if you have longer hair and/or are growing it). The average cost of a service is $130 and includes a personalised curl cut, cleanse, hydrate, style and gently dry your curls. The annual cost is more like $392. Weigh it up! That’s the economic benefits but the true measure will be the care and attention given to your curls where you can see the true potential of your curls. 
A curl specialist knows you have been through many trials and not so great outcomes with your hair. We hear it all the time and really empathise with you and our goal is to turn around the way you look at your curls. You take away realknowledge to help make a difference to the way you care for your curls day to day from a curly hair professional. We understand not all curls are created equal, even on a single head there can be several curl types all trying to do their own thing independently of each other. We understand the frustrations and want nothing more than to teach you to look after what you were blessed with. 
When you visit a curly hair specialist please understand that most of us have spent a small fortune learning and honing our craft continually attending education, sometimes in other areas of the world. We do this because we absolutely love what we do and want to provide our curly guests with a wonderful experience and hair outcome. 
Curls are not a curse, they are not broken and do not need to be fixed, they are perfectly imperfect or “wabi sabi” as Scott Musgrave says. So very true.

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